Top: Darkness + Dawn ☯ Vest + leggings c/o Romwe ☯ Creepers: Demonia via eBay ☯ Axe earrings + studded bracelet: Spencer's ☯ Spike bracelet: Newbury Comics ☯ Shades: Payless Shoe Source (NO SHAME) ☯ Tattoo choker: The Cobra Snake
This is a second top that I purchased from Darkness + Dawn; it's taken me for freaking ever to wear it/post it on this blog because 1. I got super lazy about DIYing it to how I envisioned, and once I did, I couldn't think of an inventive way of how to wear it. I love their shirts, as does Kathryn. She probably wears my Egyptian tank more often than I do! That thief.
Also, these leggings? Pure liquid awesome, and they're still in stock in all sizes if you dig and want a pair. My legs are a funny shape so they go loose from the knee down but THEY ARE THOR LEGGINGS. I AM THE GOD OF THUNDER AND ACID-DROPPING. Maybe that's what I will change my blog name to.
Today is the last day of Boston Fashion Week and I didn't end up attending, but I do have lots of coverage(?) of Friday and Saturday complete with iPhone photos and stuff I will nick off of Instagram (with appropriate credit) that I will be posting up on here soon...and two outfits, of course.
In other news, I finally figured out my sewing machine! And I am thinking about making experimental stuff! That I might sell, maybe. I'm going to start with kimonos because they seem somewhat easy and good for beginner sewing, y'know? I have some'll see. ♥
Until then, just gonna just leave some derpy test shots for you guys plus some experimental editing.
I am hot stuff, ohh yes.